Become a Sponsor
Join us as a donor or a sponsor this year, and help us make this a great event for Newport!
You can offer your help and support to St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church through a donation or a sponsorship of our annual summer fundraiser, the Hellenic Fest.
Hellenic Fest is held annually in July. Our church’s prime location on the corner of Thames and Brewer Streets, right in the heart of Newport, draws interested visitors who are out exploring Newport as well as locals who look forward to the Hellenic Fest every year.
Your participation as a sponsor enhances your visibility by putting your company’s name/logo in front of the hundreds of patrons attending this event and supports your local Greek community which has proudly been a part of Newport culture since the late 1800s. All proceeds raised will support St. Spyridon Church.
We look forward to having you in this wonderful cultural celebration that will transport us all from our island to the beautiful islands and mainland of Greece for the weekend. This festive event offers the residents and visitors of Newport a taste of the traditional culture, food, pastries, wine, music and dancing of Greece.
We hope that you will join us as a donor or a sponsor this year, and help us make this a great event for Newport!
Please email us at hellenicfest@gmail.com with your name, contact information, and the image you would like to use on your sponsor sign. Then you can make your donation using the link below.
Make your Hellenic Fest Sponsorship donation.